5 Localization Problems That’ll Make You Go Crazy

Our team ran into these troubles during L10n of both our database ER-designers for MySQL and PostgreSQL.

We’re digging up some repressed memories and sharing some of the craziest localization problems that will truly make your head spin!

Source: 5 Localization Problems That’ll Make You Go Crazy

PostgresDAC 3.0.3 meets RAD Studio 10 Seattle!

Full changelog:

[!] Package for RX10 Seattle added
[-] Incompatibilities of C++ Builder and geometrical types fixed
[-] “Not a valid timestamp error when using ClientDataset/AppServer” bug fixed
[-] “Underscore in stored routine name is treated as wildcard symbol and break Overload property value” bug fixedmetrical types fixed.

You’re welcome to download the latest release right now at:
or login to your private area on our site at